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Spring Fever


Spring Fever is a quantum romantic techno-thriller with a literary sensibility. Set in London and Nottingham, it involves a young woman working for a digital media company, an ice hockey player who talks like a Continental philosopher, and a global virus affecting computers and humans in disturbing ways.


In the UK - available from Valley Press,, and other booksellers, or buy the Kindle/ebook version here


In the US - available from and other booksellers, or buy the Kindle/ebook version here 

Spring Fever cover.jpg

Watch a Fiction Flick (1-2 minute video) from Spring Fever


Amanda Nigh, the protagonist


Amanda's IS, or Intelligence System


A bizarre interview with Craig Merleau, an ice hockey player for the Nottingham Panthers


Spring Fever, a subatomic virus​​​




Interview and readings from Spring Fever on Alternative Stories and Fake Realities podcast


Interview on Beyond the Zero podcast


Blog post about the world of Spring Fever, along with a video of dramatized readings

© Thomas Legendre 2017. All rights reserved.

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